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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Birthday Commemorations

January 17, 2007 marked the 93rd anniversary of WS's birth. Besides numerous celebrations largely in the pacific northwest, Garrison Keillor dedicated that day's episode of the Writer's Almanac to one of WS's poems, "What's in My Journal," and some good words about the life of Stafford, including this:
About his own works, Stafford once commented, "I have woven a parachute out of everything broken."
What a wonderful metaphor. We all have objects, moments, relationships in our lives that we would rather just walk away from then take the time to fix. Yet in some profound, unknowable ways, it is very often these fractured pieces of our lives that, when fashioned through creativity and language, save us. Let us remember Stafford this year as one whose
words can contribute meaningfully to our salvation.

1 comment:

  1. Justin,
    Really enjoyed your site. i came to it by way of searching for mennonite podcasts on the web. i'm not mennonite myself, but am very interested in the anabaptist tradition. unfortunately, there is not a mennonite community in my area. anyway, thanks for this post ( and I enjoyed your pics on Flickr)
