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Friday, June 01, 2007

Sing Now: A Poem

This is a poem I wrote a while ago after reading a poem of Stafford's, though the title eludes me at them moment.

Sing Now

A cappella four-part harmony is.
Everything else waits, listens.
Silence rises on air
at each breath, while
heaven descends on
old hundredth or 606.

All we need is now.
Before and after tumble
down, and now lifts away.
Sound is the only chapel.

A cappella four-part harmony is:
it saves us everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    This is strongly influenced by the Stafford poem "Song Now" which if I recall ends "Guitar string is. It can save this place." Don't know if this poem was in a n earlier volume but definitely in "Stories That Could Be True"

